Tuesday, April 19, 2011

 Hello World!

Welcome to my motivational and inspirational blog about the human experience. If you're looking for a ray of sunshine to start your day with the glow of sunflower power on your mind then you have come to the right place. I will share with you my personal journey from darkness to beauty in the forms of poetry; essays, articles, journal entries, and inspiring articles from other writers around the world---in the hope to inspire each and everyone of you to embrace, love, and honor your own respective journey through life regardless of what the circumstances may be at any given moment.

Here you will find tips on how to Fulfill Your Dreams Through The Power of Positive Thinking and Embracing Your Own Existence. The power of self is the most powerful force in each person's universe, therefore, we must learn to channel our own power to create the life that we want.

My own life journey is not for the faint of heart, but, at the end of each episode, there is always hope in each lesson. Life is a gift and the world is truly a magical place. We are responsible for our own destiny.  The circle of life evolves through the power of creation and destruction. Life is not just about reaching the destination, but the strength to create beauty and forgiveness along the way regardless of how rocky the roads may be at that given moment. Life is about enjoying each moment to the fullest and being grateful for each breath and all the gifts we have already been given. If we are mindful of the gift we are given and learn to love and honor our existence then the universe will conspire to provide all of our heart's desires for us to live a fulfilling life.

We are the result of our past thoughts. Our mind is the most powerful tool in this universe, use it to our advantage, and choose to focus on what we want rather than what we don't want. The power of positive thinking works for centuries for people from all over the world. It's true with what they say "The best things in life are FREE," and they reside within you and me.

Have faith and be empowered by your own existence and your life will change a million folds. Love thyself and the world will love you too.

Welcome to my world and I wish you all a pleasant visit.

Love, Light, and Compassion,

Reasmeiy Angkor

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