Tuesday, April 19, 2011

When Faced With a Crisis Large or Small, Handle the Real Issues, NOT Just the Symptoms

In life, sometimes it's so hard to get our thoughts and feelings across to those we love or those we deal with in our daily interactions whether at work, traffic, gas station, or the grocery store. The best advice/lesson I was given recently is "to handle the real issues and not just the symptoms."

When things don't go our way, we tend to get angry and easily frustrated by neglecting to see that our anger will only attract more negativity rather than attracting the highest potential for each situation bestowed upon us. We must learn to think before we speak because we must be mindful of our own action and its effect on others around us. The power of self is indeed powerful, but it is not the only thing that matters in life.

We must remember that we are one life, one spirit, one love, one pain, and one planet.

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